This is a comprehensive set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the IELTS Academic General Training, and UKVI Reading Tests, along with their answers.

Learn the most FAQs for IELTS Academic | General | UKVI Reading Tests
1. What is the difference between IELTS Academic Reading and General Reading?
IELTS Academic Reading is designed for candidates applying for higher education or professional registration, featuring texts from books, journals, and academic sources. On the other hand, IELTS General Reading focuses on everyday English and is suitable for those migrating or working in an English-speaking country. The texts are from newspapers, advertisements, and workplace handbooks.
2. How is the IELTS UKVI Reading test different from the regular IELTS Reading test?
The IELTS UKVI Reading test is identical in content to the regular IELTS Academic or General Reading tests. However, the UKVI version is taken for UK Visa and Immigration purposes and has additional security protocols to meet government requirements.
3. How many sections are there in the IELTS Academic and General Reading tests?
Both IELTS Academic and General Reading tests have three sections. However, the complexity and type of texts differ. Academic Reading uses more challenging academic content, while General Reading includes everyday language.
4. What kind of texts are used in the IELTS Reading tests?
- IELTS Academic Reading: The passages are taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers, typically covering academic topics.
- IELTS General Reading: The texts are drawn from advertisements, official documents, magazines, and workplace-related materials.
- IELTS UKVI Reading: The texts are the same as either the Academic or General Reading tests, depending on the version you take.
5. How many questions are there in the IELTS Reading test?
Each IELTS Reading test (Academic, General, and UKVI) contains 40 questions, and candidates are given 60 minutes to complete the test.
6. What is the IELTS Reading band score based on?
The band score for IELTS Reading is based on the number of correct answers out of 40. Each correct answer equals one point, and there are no penalties for incorrect answers. The final score is converted into a band score ranging from 1 to 9.
7. What question types are included in the IELTS Reading test?
The IELTS Reading test includes various question types such as:
- Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
- Matching Information
- True/False/Not Given
- Sentence Completion
- Summary Completion
- Diagram Label Completion
- Short Answer Questions
8. How can I prepare for the IELTS Academic Reading test?
To prepare for the IELTS Academic Reading test, you should:
- Practice reading academic texts from Official Cambridge IELTS Academic Books 10-19, journals, and magazines.
- Improve your vocabulary by reading a wide range of academic materials.
- Practice answering different question types like MCQs, matching headings, and completing summaries.
- Time yourself while practicing to get used to completing the test within 60 minutes.
9. How can I prepare for the IELTS General Reading test?
For IELTS General Reading preparation:
- Read a variety of non-academic texts such as advertisements, leaflets, and official documents.
- Practice reading general texts from Official Cambridge IELTS Books 10-19
- Practice answering questions under timed conditions.
- Focus on everyday language and workplace-related reading materials.
10. Can I take the IELTS Reading test on a computer?
Yes, IELTS Reading tests are available in both paper-based and computer-delivered formats. The content remains the same, but in the computer-based test, you read passages and answer questions on a computer screen.
11. How long do I have to complete the IELTS Reading test?
You have 60 minutes to complete the IELTS Reading test, regardless of whether it’s Academic, General, or UKVI.
12. Are spelling and grammar important in the IELTS Reading test?
Yes, spelling and grammar are important. If your answer is spelled incorrectly, it will be marked as incorrect, even if the meaning is clear.
13. Can I write in capital letters in the IELTS Reading test?
Yes, you can write your answers in all capital letters. This can help avoid confusion regarding letter formation and potential spelling issues.
14. What is the pass mark for the IELTS Reading test?
There is no pass or fail mark for the IELTS Reading test. Your band score will depend on your performance and the number of correct answers. Different institutions and visa authorities require different band scores.
15. How can I improve my IELTS Reading band score?
To improve your IELTS Reading band score:
- Practice regularly with past papers provided in Official Cambridge IELTS Books.
- Focus on improving your vocabulary.
- Work on your skimming and scanning techniques to locate information quickly.
- Ensure you understand different question types and how to approach them.
16. Can I review or change my answers during the IELTS Reading test?
Yes, you can review and change your answers at any time during the test, as long as it is within the 60-minute limit.
17. Is there a difference in the marking of paper-based and computer-based IELTS Reading tests?
No, the marking criteria and scoring system are identical for both paper-based and computer-based IELTS Reading tests.
18. Do I have extra time to transfer answers in the IELTS Reading test?
No, you do not get extra time to transfer your answers. In the paper-based test, you must write all your answers directly on the answer sheet within the 60 minutes. In the computer-delivered test, you input your answers directly into the system.
19. Can I take notes on the IELTS Reading test paper?
Yes, in the paper-based test, you can write on the question paper, but your answers must be transferred to the answer sheet. In the computer-based test, you can use the provided note-taking tool on the screen.
20. What skills are tested in IELTS Academic and General Reading?
Both tests assess your ability to:
- Understand main ideas and details
- Identify specific information
- Follow an argument or point of view
- Summarize ideas
- Infer meaning from context
21. Can I write on the question paper in the IELTS Reading Test?
Yes, you are allowed to write notes or underline important points on the question paper. However, answers must be written on the answer sheet, as the examiner only marks the answer sheet.
22. What is the word count limit for answers in IELTS Reading?
Most answers in IELTS Reading must follow a word limit, especially in tasks like sentence completion and short-answer questions. If the instruction says “no more than three words,” exceeding this limit will result in a wrong answer.
23. Can I use my IELTS Academic Reading score for immigration purposes?
No, if you are applying for immigration to the UK, you must take the IELTS UKVI version, either Academic or General. This test is accepted by UKVI for visa and immigration purposes.